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Monday, June 11, 2007

The Benefits of Using Web Optimisation alongside Web Analytics

As good quality traffic from sources such as PPC, CPM and SEO campaigns becomes more costly and harder to come by, Internet marketers have become used to using Web Analytics to increase the conversion rate of traffic once it has arrived at their site. You can spend as much as you like driving traffic to a site but if it only converts 1.5% of visitors to a useful action (eg the sale) then the best way of generating uplift is to focus on user interactions with the site.

As one of the first european evangelists of website optimisation through live testing with techniques such as A/B, split and multivariate testing, I'm frequently asked how this adds value to a company that already has web analytics. The answer is quite straightforward and described in this document that we recently put together. I'll paraphrase here but the document has the full details.

The primary purpose of web analytics is monitoring the behaviour of website visitors. Through monitoring and analysis of user activity, site analytics can provide sophisticated reports on conversion rates of visitors from different sources towards the site’s key goals (KPIs).

Analytics reports can highlight issues with the site (for example, high abandonment on one page in a funnel process) but doesn’t directly offer the means to address it.

With a traditional approach, if the content changes made to resolve the issue highlighted don’t work, a downturn in KPIs will be experienced during the testing period.

Maxymiser’s website optimisation solutions take the guesswork out of making content changes. This is achieved by creating multiple variations; testing these in a live environment to website visitors and optimising the site towards the best performing content. The technology is constantly monitoring the live response of visitors to the content and optimising the site in real time. This gives a significant uplift in KPIs.

Optimisation of a site with web analytics and Maxymiser live testing is a process of continual improvement addressing issues one by one with the highest priority attached to those issues with the largest potential for KPI uplift. With continuous optimisation technology, pages can be left unattended to self-optimise towards a defined goal with no need for human interaction.

By integrating web analytics and Maxymiser optimisation, web site owners can take action to resolve issues presented and maximise KPIs on an ongoing basis. By utilising live testing of content, click waste and the risk of KPI downturn is removed.

Read the full document - The Benefits of Using Maxymiser Optimisation with Web Analytics (250KB, PDF)